2010年8月1日 星期日

2010休閒水肺潛水者動機及行為研究 —以臺灣東北角龍洞灣為例

2010休閒水肺潛水者動機及行為研究 —以臺灣東北角龍洞灣為例

文章日期:2013-05-14 20:42

 A Study on Motivation and Behavior of Recreational SCUBA Diver - The Case study in Long-Dong Bay, Northeastern Taiwan

研究生羅力 Li Lo


 With the development of Taiwan’s society, people pay more attention to their leisure time. The increasing population of scuba diving increase the interaction between humans and the marine environment. Therefore, to investigate the characteristics, the motivations and the behavior under the sea of recreational divers are essential for managers and operators. This study deployed from July 1 2009 to June 30 2010 at LongDong Bay, the northeastern Taiwan where scuba diving activities are most common. With the preliminary survey, the estimated annual divers were 20,299 in this area. According to the questionnaires investigation of divers (n=346 persons), it showed 66.1% divers came on holidays. Among them, most people are from Taipei City, Taipei County, and Keelung City (75%). Most of than (87%) are, with or higher college degree (87%). Regarding the characteristics of the divers, female divers are less (32%) and have significant differences from male divers in education, with dive masters and the preferred pay area. As for the motivations marked by the divers, the top six factors are as follows: (1) the joy to dive with friends; (2) the increase of the different life experiences; (3) the pleasure to immerse in the sea water; (4) the amiable weather; (5) the chance to meet new friends and (6) the training of the technique of scuba diving. Most people considered making friends, weather and training are major attractions.

Regarding from the under the sea behavior investigation of the divers (n=88 persons), the touching activities occurred continuously, and most of them were disturbing the gravel (3.45 time/per person); the second one is the remained in one point (2.84 time/per person); the third one is touching by hands (2.79 time/per person).For disturbing gravel, the primary divers, discover, and those diving less than 40 times divers have higher times. In addition, diving briefing have significant differences in decreasing the friction of corals. When dive masters interfered the divers, the touch by hands, fixed photo taking and the time for remained in one point have significantly decreased.
 Summarize from these results, this resesrch suggests that: (1) to construct coral reel trails for divers and improve basic facilities to encourage females’ willingness to scuba diving; (2) separate scuba diving areas to different areas, such as training areas and tourism areas and charge in accordance with the qualifications of scuba diving; (3) enhance the briefing before scuba diving and the interfering of the dive masters. These activities would be useful to decrease the impact of divers on the marine environment.