2012年8月1日 星期三


本文刊載於2014年 Marine Policy


文章日期:2013-05-14 20:49
Study of Indonesia Tuna Fisheries Management and Strategy

鮪漁業對印尼海洋漁業產量和產值貢獻匪淺。印尼海洋漁業潛在年產量是652萬公噸,2010年捕撈漁業產量為538萬公噸,印尼海洋事務和漁業部(MMAF)計畫於2010年至2014年間每年增加0.5%海洋捕撈漁獲量,望在2014增加到550萬公噸。然而,鮪魚資源在全球利用壓力下,鮪魚區域性漁業管理組織(RFMOs)紛以保育物種為前提進行鮪漁業管理。本研究旨在回顧印尼鮪漁業發展,包括對於鮪魚區域性漁業管理組織養護管理措施(CMMS)之遵守狀況、研究鮪魚產業對養護管理措施的知識,態度及行為(KAP),並對他們的看法進行分析。最後藉由SWOT 分析(Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats Analysis)及量化策略規劃矩陣(Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix Analysis, QSPM)提供印尼鮪漁業發展建議。印尼鮪漁業發展政策分為兩個階段,首先,對外資投資法No.1/1967的制定,著重於增加鮪魚產量,並推動許多措施包括漁業執照核發致度、外國投資漁船制度,振興各省漁業,鼓勵國內投資。第二,依總統條例No.7/2005制定,2004年至2009年國家中長期發展方案(RPJMN),其中鮪漁業為漁業部門三個振興方案之一。此期間,政府重點放在能提高附加價值的產品,和以生態系為基礎之管理(ESBM)。印尼於19851995年批准聯合國海洋法公約(UNCLOS)和海洋法公約有關跨界及高度洄游魚類種群保育與管理協定( UNFSA),並成為印度洋鮪類委員會(IOTC)、南方黑鮪保育委員會(CCSBT)及中西太平洋漁業委員會(WCPFC)的成員。KAP分析發現,鮪漁船船主及運營商具有良好的基本知識,但對於鮪類區域性漁業管理組織及其養護管理措施的相關知識認知仍顯不足。然而,他們於養護管理相關措施持有良好態度。在養護管理措施上,他們實施漁船監控系統(VMS),填寫漁獲報表,並有預防混獲的保育措施。對政府而言,業者對鮪漁業管理的看法相當寶貴。本研究提出以下策略俾利鮪漁業發展,依序為:制定具體的中長程計劃與足額預算編列、鮪魚科學資料收集、市場上多樣化的產品開發以及加強國際合作。
 Tuna has significant contribution in both volume and value of Indonesia’s marine capture production. The strategic plan 2010-2014 of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) Indonesia has targeted that catch of marine capture fisheries should increase at level of 0.5 percent/year. The capture fisheries production will plan to increase from around 5.38 million tonnes in 2010 to 5.50 million tonnes in 2014 while the marine capture fisheries potential is 6.52 million tonnes annually. However, tuna resources are under pressure of utilization, globally. Furthermore, the tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) attempt to manage tuna fisheries by strengthening conservation of stocks. The objective of research is to review the tuna fisheries development in Indonesia including the efforts to comply with the tuna RFMOs conservation and management measures (CMMs). The knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of tuna fishing industry on tuna CMMs related issues and their perception were analyzed. Finally, the research provided the strategies to develop tuna industry using Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM).
 There are two waves of policy on tuna industry development. First, after the Law No.1/1967 on the Foreign Capital Investment enacted, this was focused on increasing tuna production. Some policies have set up such as: licensing, vessel charter, and joint venture scheme for foreign investment, revitalized & established state companies on fisheries, also encourage domestic investment on fisheries. Second, after the National Medium-term Development (RPJMN) 2004-2009 enacted through President Regulation No.7/2005. Tuna is one of three revitalization programs on fisheries sector. In this period, government focus on enhancing value products besides increasing fishing production and implemented ecosystem based management (ESBM). Indonesia has adopted UNCLOS 1985 and 1995 UNFSA and became a member of IOTC, CCSBT, and WCPFC. The KAP analysis found that tuna fishing vessel owners/operators have good basic knowledge on the tuna RFMOs and their knowledge on CMMs was poor. However, their attitude on CMMs was good level. On CMMs practices, they implemented VMS, fill out logbook, and bycatch conservation measures. Their perception on tuna management is valuable input to government.
 Some strategies were suggested in order to develop tuna industry, with level of priority, respectively: formulate measurable long term, mid term, and action plans with budget needed; tuna data collection; market, quality & diversification product development; and enhance international cooperations.